Our thoughts
It's challenging to master self-control when profound and memorable injustice stands before you and scoffs, not falling prey to retaliation, revenge, or hate. Only the power of Christ has ever had the love to snatch us away from the gull of bitterness. My dear friends, do not be conquered by evil-doers; he who is in us is more robust, His mercy more mighty, and compassion evident. Through the Son of Man, flesh as He was, understanding our plight, we find comfort in an ever-lasting Father. Peace came at a cost; His blood was shed for the lost. Now through Him are we found, never more to roam this earth as orphans.
Steps to Life;
1. Seek to know the Christ, finding (or being) the church you read about in the New Testament (Mt. 6:33), the one Christ built (Mt. 16:18), the one Paul spoke about (Rom. 16:16). Do so even when hated by those closest to you for it.
2. Learn the gospel accurately, the love and grace therein, the good news of Jesus and His Kingdom, and how by faith we are immersed in Him for the forgiveness of our sins while added to His assembly (Acts 2:38, 41, 47).
3. If you find a healthy membership therein, the family of Christ clings fast to the faithful, becomes friends, and sets commitment, goals, hope, and good works. You will feel welcomed, embraced, accepted, and part of the fold, equal in human value.
4. Grow in His Word and His love, and learn how it applies evangelism, benevolence, and ministry for His cause.
5. Stay AWAY ("avoid at all cost") from toxic people in all the shapes and shades they appear in (Rom. 16:17-18).
Adam and Eve had 99 blessings to focus on, yet the snake cunningly convinced them to fold for the one thing they should not have sought. Jesus didn't focus on Judas; He focused on His Father and the Cross to come. We must remain on course; it'll all soon be over; let's finish for the crown.
Contact me if you'd like to join us for personal studies, or would you like to visit us as we worship? You'd be our honored guest. If you've drifted away from the truth, and you were once among us in the fold, we've been praying for you; we love and miss you deeply; the EastCoast church of Christ is the healthy home we read about in the Scriptures, see for yourself; please return to life.
Your servant,