Our thoughts,
The most favoured joy is to be part of a congregation that understands giving and does so faithfully, yet with a humble heart, always willing to grow; our first fruits are the priority of our budget.
When your income has doubled, but your giving has declined, it’s a faith concern.
When your income has diminished, but your giving has remained, it’s a faith commitment.
When your income has enlarged, but your giving has idled, it’s a faith doubt.
When your income has increased but so has your giving, it’s a faith asset.
We have been blessed with the joy of giving to the church for many years now, and we find great comfort in sharing a substantial portion of our support with His Majesty's treasury, even if our financial securities are in decline in an ever-falling world. We want to see the church grow to His glory and have witnessed the fruits of such faith. We’ve been blessed with the opportunity to practice benevolence, share gifts, partake with other brethren, give to honourable and decent causes, purchase assembly necessities, practice hospitality, and have influence for Christ among our neighbours. God has taught us many things through giving faithfully, and it is all to His name and glory: His works.
A church that gives faithfully will ensure that all its members are cared for and never have to face abandonment. Giving our means to His kingdom (Mt. 6:33) permits us the peace of ministering to our widows, elderly, visitors, and youth; it has given us the courage to set forth goals to achieve. A church that gives will progress with reliability, which opens the door to fulfilling outreach in the community.
God has blessed us with the opportunity to participate in His works, and oh, what a wonderful opportunity it is to do (Js. 2:22).
It's about souls going to heaven, extending God's grace to all who ask, seek, and knock. It's about reaching the faithless, renewing the fallen, and reinforcing the faithful.
Your servant,