Our thoughts,
Have they told us that Christianity is about "health and wealth?" "peaches & cream? They've lied to us, haven't they? Do we blame ourselves? Do we feel lost inside as a result?
Have we been victims of some of the most cunning wolves this fallen world has ever produced? Have we been the recipients of abuse from toxic tyrants? Have they made us question our sanity? Have we experienced self-righteous deviants destroying everything they touch? Has the Devil burned our house down and blamed us for it? Did we give him the match? Have we been deceived and or betrayed by those closest to us? Have we been unheard and believed, though we had all the evidence necessary to prove our case? Have some sided with Satan? Have we lost loved ones and been through complex health challenges? Deep and devastating sorrows, despair, and brokenness?
As tempting as it might be to aggressively throw our hurt towards the wrong source, as convenient as it may facilitate falling into regret, bitterness, and hate, it's never Jesus' fault nor His bride's. Whether divisive hypocrites, liars, slanderers, false witnesses, psychological manipulators who split families, congregations, and friendships under the guise of "righteousness" for greed and selfish ambition, or idle members who find what the world has to offer more appealing, it's never God's fault, nor the perfection of His institution. The world has crept into the church, and this is a reality. The world is well versed in using the Bible corruptively, wrongly handling it to charm us into all sorts of errors eloquently. We tend to blame marriage when a divorce takes place, correct? Friends, it's not marriage's fault. Again, God is not to blame. Sin, sin is the problem.
We must not lose heart, dear brethren, who have a love of Christ within us. We are created in Him to minister and suffer until our reward; the sooner we count the cost, the sooner we persevere. Persecution is an inevitable reality. This world is unfair; we will receive injustice from those among us who seem rewarded for their wicked ways. But know that such things will be revealed one day, and God will comfort the poor in spirit with the peace we sought, eternally.
You are loved and appreciated; you are not alone. We, the humble and faithful, have gone through all these things and will comfort each other till we depart. Despite the turmoil and chaos, Christ, our Lord, remains.
Your servant,