Our thoughts,
Why are we called the "EastCoast church of Christ?" Simple, really, 1st, we're on the East Coast. Almost everything around here is called "East Coast" something, just Google. Also, we currently congregate in our homes, and at times our homes change, but they always remain on the East Coast. And once we build a designated location in the community, it will still be on the East Coast, an area of hospitality, the truth, peace, support, mission, and healing. It has utility and purpose and rings a decent tone. It is a church belonging to God on the East Coast, so named, as per the 1 Cor. 1:2a principle.
And once we grow large enough, some among us might take up the task down the road and be another location of assembly where other people can have the opportunity to be added (Acts 2:47), always autonomous and in fellowship within the boundaries of His doctrine. They also will be a church that belongs to Christ on the East Coast, perhaps the "North End church of Christ?" You see, this can be learned. There is only one "Walmart," but many other "Walmarts " worldwide. One church has many locations worldwide, yet it must be of the same kind, His. All those who belong to Christ go back to 30 AD (33 AD?) in Jerusalem during the reign of the Roman Empire, as per the Prophets' confirmation. We are beings of an ancient age living among the current culture; we have flesh, yet walk in the Spirit.
Second, the "church" is the assembly of people we must "seek" (Mt. 6:33), "the Kingdom of Heaven, God," the "called out ones," called out of a dying world. Those who read the gospel, investigate the gospel, believe the evidence of the gospel, and obey the gospel (John 3:16, 36), are products of His gospel (Rom. 1:16), His church (Mt. 16:18).
"Of Christ," in other words, "belonging to Christ." We are independent souls collectively gathered and belong to Christ because the Bible says that everyone who loves Jesus will follow Jesus; immersed in Jesus (Acts 22:16), we belong to Jesus (Col. 1:18), legal citizens of His Kingdom (Rev. 1:6). And so the point is this, Christ has ownership, His name has authority, He is the King of His Kingdom, and there is no other name given (Acts 4:12).
So, though we are added members, this church does not belong to me; I didn't create it, nor is it yours. It is not built by the hands of men or anyone else but Jesus, making us equal, living by the freedom and privilege of His New Testament law (Mt. 26:28). Every church worldwide that follows Jesus according to the Bible (Heb. 4:12), living faithfully to His love (Heb. 11:6), clothed in His forgiveness (Gal. 3:26-27) belongs to His fold of saved people (1 Cor. 1:18).
We know our Master by name, His being, His guidance (2 Tim. 3:16-17). And because His grace and the truth have blessed us, we have discerning wisdom to identify "Churches" that do not belong to His Majesty (Mt. 7:21-23). This information keeps us humble and growing, safe in Christ (Rom. 8:1).
And as per the inspired words of Paul, our brother,... "the churches of Christ salute you." (Rom. 16:16).
Your servant,