Thoughts of insight for the prudent...
Do not always take the word of a visiting preacher who hasn't known the history and membership. He may be an honest man duped into validating a lie or perhaps an evil worker participating in the continual devastation. What is a man's character? A few hours and a meal aren't enough to reveal the deep-rooted issues, heartaches, and restoration efforts.
At the hands of a Diotrephic spirit, there's a risk of believing fraudulent slander instead of truth. Be especially cautious of devils' cunning manipulation of social media's alienable nature; it can turn a snake into a flower, persuading even the most scholarly minds.
"Ye shall know them by their fruits," ... what are they producing? Look at the student's behaviour in order to learn about the teacher's teaching.
Why are they hidden and secretive, living in whispers? They will justify themselves. Why are they pushing more souls out than growing more souls in? They will justify themselves. Why is the only report from the community negative? They will justify themselves. Why are we not permitted to question them? They will justify themselves.
Though devils attempt to swindle brethren into validating a lie, the truth will eventually be recognized by the humble and loving hearts of faithful saints. Rest assured, our unwavering commitment to upholding reality will guide us through.
If you understand the language, know that you are not alone. We at the send you a warm greeting from a house of peace.
Be wise, brethren; learn to discern. Remember, we are not alone. We are here for you, united in our faith and commitment, and we will support each other through these challenges.
Your servant,
As Shepherds learn to avoid spiritual threats from corrupt devils seeking to infiltrate (gain access to the assembly to then gradually acquire prominence and preeminence), dominate (have commanding control over their minds), and eradicate (divide and destroy completely), please consider these Scriptures for your personal studies, to understand the motive behind selfish-ambition: (3rd Jn. 1:9-10, Mt. 23, Jude 1:16, 19, Titus 3:10-11, Rom. 16:17-18, Phil. 3:2).