Our thoughts,
With one or two witnesses, convincing brethren of the truth regarding executive hypocrites may be challenging. However, the evidence is overwhelming when over 100+ souls come forward with video, audio, and eye-witnessed accounts proving the fact that Diotrephes and his henchmen are professional liars, cunning slanderers, taking advantage and manipulating, and what 'head science' would call sociopathic narcissists, guilty of all the whispers and baseless accusations spewed upon all their victims, splitting everything in their path for sordid gain.
And though Diotrephes will reign in his mind for many years, the truth always comes out, and when it does, it arrives with names and shame upon his devoured loyalists who have continued to believe and support the fraud for years. The prideful brute may portray himself in a certain way through his online masquerade, yet still, those who have become his prey know just how cunning and evil he truly is, as well as the chaos, devastation, and sorrow he utilizes to sow discord and division in marriages, families, churches, and friendships. Everything Dio invades will eventually crumble cold and wither away in loss; he is the colossal failure, no matter which geographical location he befouls with his rancid hate and control.
There is a wisdom to shield and secure the mind, home, marriage, church, and friendship against the hostilities of evil workers. Shepherds must learn to avoid spiritual threats from wolves in sheep's clothing seeking to INFILTRATE (i.e., gain access to the assembly to acquire prominence and preeminence then gradually), DOMINATE (i.e., have commanding control over their minds), and ERADICATE (i.e., divide and destroy completely).
Those "red flags" are there for a designed purpose, and we must learn to discern them.
Please consider these Scriptures for your studies to better understand, mark, and avoid, at all costs, the sinister mind of these evil workers: 3rd Jn. 1:9-10, Mt. 23, Jude 1:16, 19, Titus 3:10-11, Rom. 16:17-18, Phil. 3:2.
Your servants, Witnesses.