Our thoughts,…
He doesn't heal marriages; he divorces them.
He doesn't make friends; he invokes enemies.
He doesn't unite churches; he splits them.
He doesn't raise children; he molds slaves.
He doesn't encourage the elders; he dismantles them.
He doesn't cultivate family; he separates them.
He doesn't encourage independence; he contaminates your mind.
He doesn't speak the truth; he lies as he breathes.
He doesn't teach the saints; he devours them.
He doesn't practice love; he festers in hate.
He doesn't appreciate his brethren; he bitters himself in jealously.
He doesn't grow any faithful fruits; he pushes them all away.
He doesn't bring hope; he spreads fear.
He doesn't humble himself before Christ; he boasts himself up with pride.
He doesn't replenish the treasury; he depletes it bare.
He doesn't know loyalty; he fraternizes betrayal.
He doesn't furnish a good reputation; he vomits reproach.
He doesn't have joy in our freedom; he swells turmoil.
He doesn't share words of kindness; he spews vindictiveness.
He doesn't embrace peace; he parades intimidation.
He infiltrates, dominates, and destroys.
He recruits the weak and all who are as evil as he is.
He creeps in unnoticed.
He takes advantage; he's greedy.
His bold-faced lies will have you question your sanity.
He slanders.
He belongs to his paternal ancestry (John 8:44).
He is so cunning at his craft that most don't have the wisdom to discern his sinister agenda until they become victims of his resume.
Diotrephes is a corrupt and prideful brute, yet we perceive him as a “sound gospel preacher,” charming us with the knowledge he so portrays to have of the Scriptures; however, all his thoughts and intentions are evil, and his selfish ambition knows no bounds. He is precisely what the Bible says he is, found within “the deeds of the flesh:”
A malicious carnivore.
A contentious swindler.
A trafficker of strife.
A jealous outburst of hostility.
All other such practices of wickedness.
Judgment is coming for devils and all who side with deceit. Satan isn't in Hollywood or Congress, though he is proud of their works; he's behind the pulpit and the online content, hiding in plain sight, and everyone will know on the Day God opens the sky.
Be aware of him, mark and avoid, but don't focus on him; move on and do good and fruitful work. For we are of a different cloth, we belong to our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, and we follow the penmanship of His love, as Paul would say:
“if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. God will bless you and take care of you.” - Phil. 2:1-4.
Your servant