Our thoughts,...
Have you ever been the unsought recipient of deep sorrow and trauma at the hands of a Diotrephic worker? (3rd John 1:9-10). Have you ever had your marriage, family, church, and friendships split at the hands of divisive brethren? (Rom. 16:17-18). Were you ever in such pain that you fell to your knees begging God for answers because evil workers crept in unnoticed (Jude 1:4), took advantage of your kindness and benevolence, burnt the house down, and blamed you for it? Were malicious words utilized against you in secrecy? Did a wolf in sheep's clothing creep in through the window and enter the homes of your loved ones to recruit them against you with whispers and gossip, embellishments, and deception? (Jude 1:16). Were you the unfortunate recipient of fellow brethren siding with the culprits, even after you had given them factual evidence proving your witnessed case? Did you see those you love and ministered to devoured by the tactics of wickedness, flattery, and intimidation? Did you realize how God showed you the wisdom to discern who was truly your friend and who was only masquerading? Did these things happen to you from those you loved the most? Were you pushed out or forced to withdraw from toxic individuals whose behaviour drenches in self-righteousness, pride, control, hypocrisy, bold-faced lies, and psychological manipulation? Have you witnessed the facade of these evil workers who only allowed you to know what they wanted you to know of them, never open and transparent with their past (Phil. 3:2), how they portray themselves in a certain way to charm you into their corrupt ambitions? (Phil. 1:17). Did you recognize how these Pharisaical brutes can create law, find you guilty, and condemn you, though the same law they created somehow does not apply to them? Have you been able to see how everything they accuse you of, they are indeed guilty of practicing? Those you thought were your closest allies in the faith? Have you ever experienced the trials that come when you have all the evidence to prove your innocence, yet some choose to side with the lies that came from the hands of cunning slanderers? Have brethren you tried to reach out to for help told you, "Just get over it and get along?" Have brethren you thought loved you distanced themselves from you due to the lies of a most deceiving individual? Could you see that these ignorant brethren would have told and done the same thing to Jesus regarding the Sanhedrin? Paul to Alexander the coppersmith? Gaius and Demetrius to Diotrephes? Have you ever been found begging God for forgiveness because you didn't understand what happened? Have you tried to make sense of the attack? Have you done everything you could to help fix the issue but it was too late and hardened minds prevailed? Have you been humbled by learning the lesson? Did you recognize your weakness taken advantage of? Has God blessed you abundantly while devils continue to devour themselves in destruction?
Much more could be said, but if all this sounds very familiar to you, you've been blessed with the insight to discern greater evils than most can, for one must have gone through such temptations to know how deep it goes (Js. 1:2). It is our loving service to have you reach out to us if you seek like-minded understanding, for there might be no ministries to help people live through this most challenging reality. Find out why and how evil people (at times "best friends" or family) caused so much chaos, learn to prevent it from ever happening again, reach out, and know you are not alone.
The Scriptures and the love of faithful brethren saved us from falling away and remaining hidden in fear, knowing we were not the only ones to ever go through this very challenging attack to our faith.
"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." - Peter.
Your servant,