Our thoughts,
When all possible paths for peace are extinguished, when all attempts to bring about repentance have failed, when reaching out for communication and resolve has been denied, you no longer need to remain trapped in a lawless and abusive relationship; there are ways out. You don't need to stay imprisoned by the poison of an unhealthy brother or assembly filled with corruption, control, self-righteousness, and hypocrisy, portraying themselves as an "angel of light" on social media and before visitors; you can withdraw. Intimidation, spite, pride, discord, flattery, gossip, psychological deception, manipulation, and other sinful practices "swept under the rug" need no longer shackle you; there is a way out. We've witnessed how evil a local congregation can become when infiltrated by cunning wolves; we know how they amplify delinquency for their selfishness, slander, and cheating. Don't spend your life overwhelmed by anxiety and fear of tyrants; they may split everything in their path, but they don't have the authority to split your faith in Christ. Seek faithful and humble souls to fellowship; move if you must. It would be a travesty of the highest kind to go through this life, which is difficult enough as it is, without being in a healthy place with a loving family. It's not Jesus' fault or His faithful followers; it's the Devil's agenda and all who have paternal ancestry to his ways. There can be a better tomorrow if we ignite the proper way forward today; in Him, all things are possible.
"Now to Him who can keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen." - Jude.
Your servant,